GACP stands for “Good Agricultural and Collection Practice” and for the way medicinal plants must be cultivated and collected. Every producer of herbal medicines is obliged by law of the European Union to use solely raw materials that are manufactured to GACP specifications of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This ensures the quality of the product and therefore consumer safety. The requirements already begin with the selection of seeds and reach from the cultivation and production of the medicinal herbs and their harvest through the subsequent processing to the storage.
In order to fulfill the rigorous standards, Kräuter Mix disposes of a comprehensive GACP management system in the context of its raw material procurement. It contains the qualification of our suppliers and their goods to achieve ever greater safety for phytopharmaceutical raw materials. This is achieved by means of self-declarations and audits as well as through inspection and documentation of the individual batches so that we can trace the raw materials and their cultivation in the cultivation and collection areas. The further processing to herbal medicines is done on our premises in accordance with the official license for manufacturing medicines as well as the hygiene and safety specifications of the GMP (“Good Manufacturing Practice”) guideline.