Silke Wurlitzer reflects on 30 eventful years at Kräuter Mix
Originally hired as a sales manager for exports, today she is a company managing director and is responsible for HR, accounting, finance, controlling, legal affairs, insurance, marketing, corporate communications and IT. Now, Silke Wurlitzer is celebrating 30 years at Kräuter Mix, with company owners Christoph and Bernhard Mix and the 500-strong employee team congratulating her on this important milestone.
When Silke Wurlitzer joined the sales team back in 1993, Kräuter Mix was already a company with international reach but it was not yet represented in all corners of the globe. The production company obtained important plant-based raw materials from its suppliers in Eastern Europe, but countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and the Baltic States did not yet feature among the sales markets for air-dried herbs and spices from Abtswind, Germany. Silke Wurlitzer took care of the acquisition of new customers in those countries, thereby driving the company’s internationalization. Later, she would go on to do business with customers from Australia and New Zealand as well as from Asia.
During her parental leave, Silke Wurlitzer completed a distance learning course in management at the Open University, London, graduating with a Master of Business Administration and specializing in the areas of HR and finance. Upon her return to the company in 2003, she took over the management of HR, adding other corporate functions over the years. In 2009, she was appointed to the board of management, which today also includes the two managing partners Christoph and Bernhard Mix.