Dear Business Partners and Friends of the Company,
Every child on this planet has a right to a life worth living. They are our future and our priority. Unfortunately, not every child gets a fair chance at a happy and fulfilling life. Some face illness or going to bed hungry, have no parents to look after them or are unable to go to school.
Back in 2018, our company founded the non-profit organization Mix for Kids e.V. with the aim of alleviating the burden on disadvantaged children and getting help where it is most urgently needed. Over the past five years, Mix for Kids has dedicated a total of 200,000 euros to launching and supporting social projects across Germany, Albania, India and Ukraine. This money has allowed nine boys and girls from a children’s home not far from our company premises to enjoy several vacations together. In Albania, meanwhile, neurodivergent children are able to receive compassionate individual care at school, while in India Mix for Kids helps give street children the tools to secure their futures with educational opportunities.
These are just a few examples of the range of aid projects Mix for Kids supports and implements with experienced local partner organizations. Visit to see for yourselves the valuable work done by the association, of which we are the largest supporting member. But Mix for Kids, with its 126 members, is open to all – private individuals and companies alike. We invite everyone to become a member or to donate regardless of membership. Mix for Kids stands for total transparency: all membership fees and donations are passed on to the projects we support without any deductions, with every cent going directly to children in need. On behalf of the association, we would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your support.
We wish you very Happy Holidays along with our best wishes for the New Year, when we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with you. We are enormously grateful for the trust you have placed in us over the past twelve months.
With warm regards,
Christoph Mix | Bernhard Mix | Silke Wurlitzer
Kräuter Mix GmbH Board of Management