Registration open until October 17, 2022
Digestive problems are a serious issue for dogs and horses, which is why Kräuter Mix is offering a free online workshop from October 25 to November 8, 2022, on the subject. Registration is open until October 17 (click here).
Pet owners are increasingly showing an interest in traditional medicine, such as phytotherapy. They often place particular value on closeness to nature and are markedly more accepting of phytotherapeutic supplements. After all, using medicinal herbs is in no way limited to humans. For pets such as dogs and horses, using plants as supplementary feed can also play a valuable role in preventing disease and improving well-being and quality of life. When it comes to treating digestive problems in dogs and horses phytotherapeutically, five medicinal plants have proven their worth: turmeric, frankincense, licorice root, yarrow and marshmallow root.
In the free online workshop, veterinarian Katja Görts will introduce these five plants and describe how they work, the scientific data supporting this and areas where these plants might be used. The one-hour long workshop recording and accompanying documents will be available to participants from October 25 to November 8, 2022. You will also be able to submit questions on the presentation and request product samples.
The speaker, Katja Görts, graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover in 1999. She is certified in Chinese phytotherapy, acupuncture and chiropractic. Since 2009, Görts has been running a holistic veterinary practice where she primarily treats horses as well as small animals ( She delivers seminars and conference presentations all over the world on traditional Chinese medicine and phytotherapy and is President-Elect of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS).
As a manufacturer of air-dried plant-based raw materials, Kräuter Mix’s product range includes herbs, vegetables and spices, both as individual ingredients as well as blends and also in certified organic quality, for the balanced nutrition of pets and livestock. Kräuter Mix is a registered manufacturer and supplier of foodstuffs for the feed industry and trade in accordance with VO/EG 183/2005 and holds the industry standard GMP+ B1 certification.
Catch up on the 2021 online workshop
Flyer: Natural raw materials – for natural and healthy animal feed