Careers information fair
The careers fair in Kitzingen, Germany, offered over 1300 people interested in potential training opportunities a chance to explore an array of professional fields. Kräuter Mix, which offers careers in a number of commercial, industrial and technical professions, was pleased to number among the 90 exhibitors at the two-day fair and present the opportunities at the company. Visitors to the stand were given a chance to chat to trainers and trainees alike and start their networking journey. A sensory trial also saw visitors guessing the scents of herbs, spices and tea ingredients – with those guessing correctly awarded their own packets of tea and spices to take home.
As a manufacturer of air-dried plant-based raw materials, Kräuter Mix offers not only traditional traineeships for roles such as industrial clerk, warehouse logistics specialist and electronics technician for operating technology, but also roles specifically geared toward the needs of the food industry. These include food technology specialist, machine and plant operator and chemical laboratory assistant, as well as placements as part of the dual work-study program in Food Management in partnership with the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University.